Hello world!

Hello world!
Instead of an AI, I asked my daughter Chloé to draw me saying hi

It’s been ages I’ve done a first post on a new blog! Actually, it was when I started to document my bread-baking adventures, 8 years ago, almost to the day. And many times before that, on various other blogs. Yet, even after more than two decades, the feeling of a first post in a new blog is the same: a blend of the excitement of endless possibilities – and the intimidation of an empty white page.

The reason for this blog, my first one in English, is rooted in my professional developments. Roughly 2 years ago I ended a significant decade-long period in my career that saw me grow from a technical project manager to the managing director of the Hungarian developer site of Gawker, and I started my first fully remote job at Dashlane. As an engineering leader, I've faced various challenges that were new to me. Writing about these experiences and what I learned from them will help me retain those lessons, and doing it in the open will hold me accountable to myself, and might help others to come.

I don’t know yet where this will lead. At the moment, I have two ideas: a series about “Engineering Manager problems” (working title), trying to look at various leadership situations using a curious coaching approach; and a weekly newsletter to set a good cadence of updates on this, and various other topics. This latter one is inspired by two very distant sources:

  • 15fives, a weekly report format that my then-manager Jeremy Brown introduced when we started to work together, helping me build an intentional approach to where I spend my time;
  • The Coco's Variety Dispatch, probably my favourite newsletter, in which the owner of a small Los Angeles shop that “Buys, Sells and Trades all Manner of What-Have-You” shares episodes from his life loosely tied to the business.

One thing is sure, writing this first post already scratched an itch that I long ignored.

Hope you’ll sign up to follow what's next.

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I write about engineering leadership topics.
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